Monday, April 5, 2010

Wii Fit Called Me Fat

*Note: Above image not actually representative of me. I swear.

A machine called me fat. That's it. They win. The machines have already won. In the future, when we look back and try to figure out how the machines became more powerful than humanity, we'll have to stop and drop our heads at this point.

We gave them the power when we told them they could dictate how we view ourselves.

I'm fat? I'm faaaat!

Well congratulations Wii, you made me feel like crap. I'm gonna go have a donut and a milkshake...mixed together - with some maple syrup on the side for dippin'.

1 comment:

  1. Wait...gaming systems can't dictate how you view yourself. The Wii didn't make you feel like crap. You made you feel like crap. Screw that machine. Embrace your fatness and grab some cheetos. So your a cow, look at the Internet, there are a ton of fat girl porn dudes dig the big ladies. Haha just kidding, your not fat. Kirsty Alley is fat. Did you see Precious?Now you put that Wii on a stool in front of a treadmill, jump on that treadmill, and run while trying to hit that Wii with a bat.
