Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Extraction Fractions

Yesterday, I had my very first extraction. Yay?

It's sort of a right of passage, having a bone pried loose from your head.

I tried to think of it as such in the days leading up to it. I, idiotically, decided to do a little reading on the procedure the night before. So I knew to expect popping and squeaking sounds, a large needle, and blood.

My procedure took a little long. First, my mouth refused to go numb. I thought I was thoroughly drugged but I began to feel the dentist tugging at the tooth.

"Uhgungahgu," I gurgled.

"Can you feel that?" the dentist stopped her tinkering and asked.

I nodded yes.

"It's ok, I'll take the pain away," picking up the giant numbing needle again and stabbing it into my gum. It hurt. But the pain soon abated, just like she said.

She continued picking and turning, twisting, pulling until she'd removed all the sad shards of my over-retained baby tooth.

I paid my miserable co-pay and was given a pack of gauze for my trouble. I was unleashed back into the world, as drooly and bloody as the day I was born.

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